Report of Odorized LP-Gas Release, Fire or Explosion
The Missouri Propane Safety Commission requires reporting of a release, fire, or explosion involving odorized liquefied petroleum gas (2 CSR 90-10.120). A report should be made to the Missouri Propane Safety Commission by telephone at the earliest practical moment or within two (2) hours following discovery. Following the initial telephone report, the person who made the telephone report or an authorized company representative shall submit a properly completed form MPGC-5524 to the director within fourteen (14) calendar days of the date of initial telephone notification unless an extension is authorized by the director to allow more time for investigation or research.
Click here for a blank Incident Report Form
Northeast Region- Richard Dougherty- (573)619-1015
Southeast Region- David Patten- (573)301-5900
Northwest Region-Mike Root- (573)202-9002
Southwest Region-Ryan Crites- (573)418-7670
Commission Office- (573) 893-1073