MPSC's History and Purpose
The Missouri Propane Safety Commission (MPSC) was created by the Missouri Propane Safety Act of 2007. The act transferred the responsibility of regulating propane from the Department of Agriculture to the commission. The MPSC became the inspection authority in October, 2008.
Nine members comprise the commission, which are appointed by the Governor. Commissioners serve five-year terms and have specific affiliations. The executive director of the commission administers, manages, and directs the affairs and business of the commission. Responsibilities of the MPSC include developing and implementing propane safety plans and programs, and promulgating, administering, and enforcing propane rules and regulations.
A per-gallon fee is charged to owners of odorized propane in the state which covers expenses of MPSC's activities, programs, and services. The MPSC may also set fees for permits, licenses, and certificates.
Through regulation, inspection, enforcement, investigation, and education, the Missouri Propane Safety Commission's mission is to foster environments safe from the hazards of liquefied petroleum gases within the state. All efforts of the commission are made in the interest of safety to life and property.